Al-Mawaddah Association...the family home

Al-Mawaddah Association for Family Development in the Makkah Al-Mukarramah region was established in 2003 AD. It is a non-profit development association specializing in education, training, guidance, reform and awareness of the family through sustainable development initiatives. It seeks to stabilize the family by building a generation of conscious and cohesive families capable of facing challenges and being influential in stability. The family is an ambassador for the message of affection. The association also seeks to create a healthy and safe family environment for children after the separation of parents, in which mutual respect prevails. It also seeks to be the first reference for family issues and to contribute to proposing the best strategic solutions in achieving the goals of the National Transformation Program related to the family and qualifying the best qualified specialists. The association was founded in 2003, and since its inception, the association has helped change the lives of more than 500,000 families.

Our services and Programs
In order to raise the quality of family life, Al-Mawaddah works through an innovative and integrated system of quality services and programs to serve all segments of society
A year of Al-Mawaddah
A report on achieving the goals of the Al-Mawaddah Association through the association’s activities and services during 21 years of giving to the family and society
Activities Calendar
A family benefiting
Total services provided
Beneficiaries of quality of life skills
A child whose disorders were treated
Beneficiaries of family dispute resolution
A professionally empowered woman
protected from domestic violence
A family reunited after separation
Specialist whose skills are provided