Al-Mawaddah Society for Family Development (licensed by the National Center for Nonprofit Sector Development with number 601) has established the Al-Mawaddah Endowment Fund in partnership with legislative and supporting entities. The society aims to achieve stable annual returns from the fund, which are disbursed to empower the most needy families benefiting from its services. This is done by providing social, psychological, and economic support, as well as vocational and professional empowerment to create a source of income that meets their needs.
The policy of internal control and supervision, also known as internal auditing, is an essential requirement of the internal control regulations in the society. It works to define the responsibilities and authorities in administration and finance, enhancing the control of transaction flows and procedures to prevent corruption and fraud risks. It also focuses on developing administrative and financial processes.
This policy is developed to achieve transparency, fairness, and equality in providing services to beneficiaries of the society. The society announces all its services through its website and social media accounts, meeting the aspirations and desires of the beneficiaries.
Policies and procedures for combating terrorism financing and money laundering, as well as understanding the risks involved in terrorism financing, are among the fundamental pillars adopted by the society in the field of security oversight. The society collaborates with relevant authorities to combat these crimes and report individuals involved in accordance with the anti-terrorism and financing regulations.
This policy outlines the controls and mechanisms for providing support and disbursing aid to families benefiting from the services of the society, as well as the types of assistance provided.
A set of policies implemented within the society to activate the volunteering system in accordance with the new procedures approved by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development.
The Volunteering Unit at Al-Mawaddah Society for Family Development aims to achieve several noble objectives by providing the society with the required number of individuals who have expertise and skills that can contribute to social work within its scope. This helps the society in achieving its goals. The main objective is to organize the volunteering process, guide the efforts of volunteers, develop necessary plans and training programs for them, monitor and evaluate their work to ensure proper utilization of their capabilities.
The Volunteering Unit at Al-Mawaddah Society for Family Development aims to achieve several noble objectives by providing the society with the required number of individuals who have expertise and skills that can contribute to social work within its scope. This helps the society in achieving its goals. The main objective is to organize the volunteering process, guide the efforts of volunteers, develop necessary plans and training programs for them, monitor and evaluate their work to ensure proper utilization of their capabilities.
This policy is in line with the applicable laws and regulations in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, including the Associations and Charitable Institutions System and its executive regulations, as well as the society's bylaws. It aims to establish a clear and documented policy for financial and in-kind fundraising mechanisms from supporters and donors of Al-Mawaddah Society for Family Development. This policy provides frameworks, instructions, and guidelines for the fundraising process and its management to ensure governance standards, compliance, and adherence approved by the National Center for Nonprofit Sector Development, while providing transparency to donors and supporters
The objective of this policy is to provide guidance on conducting risk assessments at the society level. It specifically outlines general principles that can serve as a useful framework when assessing the risks of money laundering and financing terrorism.
These procedures explain the steps taken to monitor and track the funds received by the society from donors and ensure their disbursement through the designated channels determined by the donor.
Donating effort, money, time, or a combination thereof to perform work or activities for community service is not obligatory for individuals, nor are they responsible for it. Volunteers are motivated by non-material factors, and they do not expect any financial return for their volunteerism, even if there are some material benefits. These benefits do not match the effort and time expended in volunteer work.
The mechanism for determining financial compensation, allowances, leaves, and training for the General Manager and executive directors is approved by the executive management and the Chairman of the Board of Directors.
Preventing money laundering operations and terrorism financing is one of the fundamental pillars adopted by the society in the field of financial oversight. It complies with the Saudi Anti-Money Laundering Law issued by Royal Decree No. M/31 on 11/5/1433 AH, its executive regulations, and all subsequent amendments to align with this policy.
The Board of Directors is the main guiding and governing body of the society. It discusses and makes decisions that serve the society's short-term and long-term goals, ensuring the best interests of the beneficiaries according to the board's vision.
The data privacy policy requires all individuals working for the society, including board members, executives, employees, consultants, and volunteers, to maintain the privacy of donor, contributor, volunteer, and beneficiary data. Sharing such data with others is strictly limited, as outlined in the following paragraphs. The policy also mandates using personal data solely for the society's purposes based on the defined interests.
Al-Mawaddah Society values the privacy of all individuals working for it. While the society does not concern itself with actions taken outside its scope, it recognizes that personal interests of its employees during social, financial, or other activities may directly or indirectly conflict with their role or loyalty to the society, potentially creating conflicts of interest.
This policy is developed to protect whistleblowers who report violations, ensuring they are not subjected to any financial or moral harm as a result of reporting.
Risk management is an integral part of Al-Mawaddah Society's strategy for family development. It includes measures taken by Al-Mawaddah to address the risks associated with its activities, aiming to achieve sustainable benefits for all programs and projects. The primary focus of risk management is to identify and address risks, as well as understand the potential positive and negative aspects that may affect the society's performance.
Due to the charitable sector's responsibilities and duties to serve the community, Al-Mawaddah Society has emphasized that employee performance should be guided by a system of values and ethical principles governing professional and job-related behavior. This system regulates the movement and pace of professional performance, reflecting positively on individuals in the community.
The job description document specifies the job descriptions for all professions and positions within Al-Mawaddah Society, including the required skills and qualifications for each position.
Fundraising is a specialized process that, like other specialized tasks, requires requirements and tools to be carried out. In advanced countries, it is considered a profession in itself and a specialization within the field.
This guide has been prepared in accordance with Article 9 of the Saudi Labor Law, aiming to regulate the employment relationship between the society and its employees, ensuring the interests, rights, and duties of both parties.